Sunday, 21 August 2016

Accessing Multiple Admin Console in Same Browser

Have you ever wondered why you are unable to load more than one weblogic console running in same machine (even though port numbers are different)? in the same browser.

It because of the Console Cookie Name which is set in the browser.

We can resolve this issue if we change “Console Cookie Name” at Domain’s configuration advanced settings.

By default, domain’s Console cookie name set to “ADMINCONSOLESESSION”.


You can change the console cookie name for Admin Console by

Click on Domain Name ==>Advanced ==> You will find the Console Cookie Name: parameter just change the parameter in one of the domain .

We change the Console Cookie Name: so that the browser do not get confused .

If you have more than 2 domain running on same machine .Change the Console Cookie Name different So that they don't conflict. 


You can check the Console Cookie Name: set by the Admin Console by double clicking the address bar and then click on show cookie and site data and then click on  host name .


Change the Console Cookie Name and then Restart the servers and then We will be able to open multiple Admin Console in the same Browser without any issue .

The Console Cookie Name after change is now 
Development_Cookie and for the second domain it is Production_Cookie.

Now browser is able to open both the console running at different port number in the same browser at the same time without issue

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